New Client Form

Onboarding - Initial Discovery Interview

General Information

Basics about you and your company
Only point-of-contact within your organization, responsible for all approvals, permissions and payments
Where your target audience gathers and is more engaged with your messaging.
Who do you serve
Products, Services, Solutions, Results, Offers you provide

Current Campaign Strategy and Channels

What are you currently doing and how it is working for you
Problems you solve for your audience and how you solve them, how do you enhance their live/experience.
How do you help them solve their problems. List every possible valuable differentiators. Features, Benefits, Advantages. What makes you unique.
Include as much detail as possible: Company name, website URL, social media accounts, etc.
Complete Sales process, how do you convert leads into clients. Online? On the phone? In person?
Overall message you want to get across to your audience. What they should know, feel and do? Other brand guidelines.
Social Media presence, Ads, Email, Blog, Vlog, Podcast, etc. TV, radio, print, billboards, other.
Social Media scheduler, Email newsletter service, SEO tools, Media production, etc.
Everything you do on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others.

Who is your target audience?

Include their characteristics and everything you know about them
Demographic information
If there are no clear goals, then... What are their interests? (Likes, dislikes)
If there are no clear pain points or needs, then... What are their common/shared experiences that motivate them to buy?

Service goals

Describe how success looks like to you
Visit your website, signup for your newsletter or give you a call
URL to the landing page or website you want them to visit. Phone number, Email address, or Online Form.

Video Basic Requirements

Promotion and Distribution Platforms (Each option requires different dimensions)
Where will your video be displayed or consumed? The platforms your audience typically uses to consume media and Ads? The technology they use?
Choose the intended type of video
Choose the intended video form factor
(FPS - Frames per Second)

Video Branding or Aesthetics

HEX: #FFFFFF or RGB: R255,G255,B255
HEX: #FFFFFF or RGB: R255,G255,B255
HEX: #FFFFFF or RGB: R255,G255,B255
Only 100% Free Font for Commercial use, or a Font you own the commercial rights
Only 100% Free Font for Commercial use, or a Font you own the commercial rights

Additional Details

Your approval process, invoicing details, other special project requirements, etc.

Maximum file size: 11MB

Your Logos, Images, Videos, Detailed Customer Avatar, Brand Design Guidelines, other required files.

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